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Natural Tips for Dental Health Leave a comment

Some great natural tips for improving your natural dental care health
There are many ways you can make your natural dental care routine more eco, environmentally friendly, sustainable, natural and vegan check out our tips here.


Natural oil pulling mouthwash

Natural oil pulling mouthwash, also known as “kavala” or “gundusha” is an ancient technique, rooted in Ayurvedic dental care that involves swirling oils around your mouth, on an empty stomach for at least 20 minutes. Incorporating natural oil pulling mouthwash into your eco, natural dental care routine draws out toxins from your body and helps to improve oral health and your health in general. You can use oils such as olive oil or coconut oil for this, or you can try out an eco-friendly, natural oil pulling mouthwash from Georganics.

Natural dental care products

Switching over to natural dental care products such as a sustainable, bamboo, recyclable, biodegradable, natural, eco friendly toothbrush, and zero waste, natural, vegan toothpaste, plastic free toothpaste tablets, natural tooth powder, and eco-friendly, natural mouthwash, and natural, eco dental floss is a great way to improve your dental and overall health without putting chemicals in you, and down the plughole. You might think that eco, natural dental care products may not be as effective, but they are. Just because something comes with a fancy advert, graphics, and claims does not mean it is necessarily better for you. At Peace With The Wild our range of eco, natural dental care contains natural, organic, vegan, cruelty free and chemical free ingredients that are kind and gentle, but still effective at cleaning and keeping your teeth, gums and mouth healthy. We even stock a wonderful range of sustainable, eco kids toothbrushes for children; so the whole family can be a part of the plastic free, natural dental care journey.

Go plastic free

Take another step towards a plastic free lifestyle and ditch plastic and go for natural dental care products that are sustainable bamboo, natural beechwood, eco friendly toothbrush and a plastic-free, zero waste, vegan toothpaste. You can also replace plastic mouthwash bottles, and plastic floss in plastic containers. There are so many great eco, plastic free alternatives out there that you can go for instead! For example our range of eco dental floss and natural mouthwash made with natural, eco friendly, organic, vegan and cruelty free ingredients is a far more eco, plastic free alternative to commercial mouthwash and floss. We also stock a range plastic free toothpaste tablets and natural mouthwash tablets which completely do away the need for plastic bottles and is a much more zero waste alternative. Our range of zero waste, natural tooth powder and vegan toothpaste is also zero waste and 100% natural, they come in eco glass jars or plastic-free, recyclable brown paper boxes. When it comes to caring for your eco friendly toothbrush you can also go plastic free by switching your plastic case or cover for a bamboo toothbrush case that is natural, sustainable and 100% biodegradable.

Turn the tap off

The average family can save up to 750 litres of water a month, just by turning off the tap when each family member brushes their teeth. This way, not only will you save water but you will save money as well!

Avoid things that stain

Both tea and coffee are culprits for staining teeth so try to limit your intake, or brush after you drink it. Likewise, red wine, cola, fruit juice, curry, balsamic vinegar, berries and all the fun stuff can also leave unsightly stains or discolouration on your teeth and should be avoided or limited. Remember, natural dental care is important so make sure you care for your teeth throughout the day to maintain healthy gums and teeth.

Cut back on harmful food

It is important that when maintaining a natural dental care routine that we don’t undo the good! In order to keep your teeth healthy and in good condition, there are certain foods and ingredients you should really cut back on. Anything with processed sugar is a no-no so sweets, jellies, and even chewing gum should be avoided. Likewise, bread, ice, citrus, dried fruit, and alcohol can all cause harm and should be eaten with care.

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